An Important Request-Pease Read

If it looks like a fork and it quacks like a fork...

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An Important Request-Pease Read

Postby Rubbs » Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:23 am

Forkers...I'm in a real pickle...It's a long story...but if you have the time to read below I would appreciate it. In a dynamic world..this is a chance to do good.


We choose our own challenges in life. For me, I embraced the challenge of raising support for exposing Faith Family Academy of Oak Cliff’s 10 member student council to our Nation’s greatest monuments in Washington, D.C. Over 90% of our students are economically disadvantaged, 77% are among the at-risk population, and 40% speak with limited English proficiency; however, the promised experience of learning in the United States capitol will connect them with American constitutional values and thereby influence their lives forever. Only after all other avenues became exhausted have I needed to turn to you for immediate support.

As a high-school teacher and student-council sponsor in an urban school such as Faith Family Academy, I am keenly aware that each one of my students faces a crossroad between two futures: cynicism and underachievement or open optimism that hard work pays off and that Dallas and America offer a fair shake. The battle to change negatively embedded social messages into the reality of hope and determination occurs every day. It is a host in the daily life of my students.

The students and I began raising funds over the summer of 2009. We have raised over $6,000 but still need an additional $7,000 for everyone to participate. Even during our fundraising we continued our own support of community efforts, including when these same student-council students raised over $500 to the Red Cross to help alleviate the Haiti tragedy.

The extent to which these students aspire to visit the capitol of America is itself inspiring and reflective of the American dream. To take just one example, I have a student who is the son of immigrants and speaks very little English. I have watched him outsell everyone during street fairs, field days, and weekly chocolate sales. I could send this 14-year-old freshman out to raise funds and he would match the funds raised by three of his upper-class colleagues combined. He shakes your hand, and you can feel his sincerity and heart. He told me early on that he did not think that he would be able to go on the trip because he could not afford it. It
took some work, and a translator, to explain to him that we were going to raise the funds. Even before he really understood this, he told me that he still wants to work to help me go to D.C. I am not sure that he understands that he is getting to go. He continues to work tirelessly in our efforts to raise funds. Nonetheless, he could grow to become a medical doctor, a United States Senator, an engineer, an innovator, a teacher, or an entrepreneur. This trip could alter his general projection and the vision through which he sees his life. Don’t get me wrong: he will work just as hard in the future no matter what happens. But to a large extent, the degree of his success (and so many others) really does hang in the balance of fulfilling this promised trip to our national headquarters.

Unfortunately, the generosity extended to us from our school, outside grants, the Parent Teacher Student Organization, and local service organizations leaves our goal out of reach. A reasonable guarantee for the security of the balance of the trip funds is needed by this coming Friday, February 26, 2010 to avoid cancelling the trip and failing to fulfill the promise.

In seeking advice from a administrator at my school about the feasibility of this trip, I was told that at times you have to take a “leap of faith.” I internalized this statement. Events like this in the life of a teacher and his/her students have far reaching consequences. The original leap of faith that sparked our efforts must be fulfilled. To make this trip happen I am asking you, your company, or any other group you are affiliated with to make a tax-deductible donation. This letter is being sent to a limited number of individuals. It is hard to share this type of request with just anyone. I did not anticipate needing to ask in this way, but our need is great and immediate.

I am thankful for your time and have no expectation at all. Below are suggested donations. Are you able to help? Any support is deeply appreciated.

Level 1 -$1,000
Level 2- 750
Level 3- $500
Level 4- $100

I hope you also enjoy some pictures of our student council serving the community and fundraising for the trip. The development of the students’ sense of citizenship and civic participation from this destination cannot be overvalued. I could never fully express what it would mean to these students, and to me, if you could help me fulfill my promise to these students. If you can help in any way, please contact me.


Chris D. Neal
Cell: (214) 505-4172
I like connecting things.

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Re: An Important Request-Pease Read

Postby mere1975 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:02 pm

What a terrific cause! It will be nice to know that we can have a direct impact on these kids. . .

- Mere "sounds like a great group of teenagers" 1975

"You'll have to wait until my cameo in the next season for confirmation" - eebs
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Re: An Important Request-Pease Read

Postby Rubbs » Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:26 am

Thanks Mere....they sure are! They continue to amaze me. If you would like I could send you some of their biographies they wrote when we went and talked to a rotary club looking for sponsorship.

I like connecting things.

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