planting grass

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planting grass

Postby roach » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:49 pm

anyone have experience planting grass from seed? preferably the texas grasses like buffalo grass. I want to take our yard that direction and am looking for a good local place I can talk to about it. there's lots of info on the web, some contradicting and all not as good as talking to a person who knows what they're saying. Also throwing in some little bluestem, but found a place I can get seed and it's a much smaller area of the yard, so that I can do. it's the other 99% of the yard I need some questions answered on.

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Re: planting grass

Postby Sybil » Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:41 am

It's been years, but I've done it. As I recall, all we did was scatter seeds and water like hell. Of course, we were starting from scratch, no existing grass at all, just dirt, and full sun and warm weather. Fescue and bermuda, the stuff grew like weeds. Not that hard.

Sy "not a yard-of-the-month type" bil
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Re: planting grass

Postby katie » Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:42 am

do we know any landscapers? seems like we should know SOMEONE who knows something about growing living things in the deathly heat of texas. i, of course, am no help but i am interested in the responses. if anyone knows anything about planting vegetables and flowers here, i'm all ears.

ka"see, jason's a boy so he cares about grass; i'm a girl so i care about flowers and veggies"tie
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Re: planting grass

Postby ifihadahifi » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:54 pm

I've planted grass. Sybil's right. Lots of seed. Lightly covered. And you water it daily until it germinates.
I've looked into buffalo grass. We're thinking about using it in the back yard. Once it gets going it doesn't require a lot of water but it doesn't hold up well against traffic.
We've got bermuda in our yard. It does well down here.

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Re: planting grass

Postby monet2u » Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:41 am

That's so 1970s man.

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